Most people would thing that once you have taught for 12 years one would be set in their philosophy and knew exactly how they wanted things done in their class on a daily basis. Two or three years ago, or maybe even the start of last year, I would have thought I was set.
Then the strangest thing happened, I joined twitter, becoming involved with other amazing educators and my old philosophy went poof. After connecting with a GREAT PLN, my beliefs were challenged and pushed me out of my comfort zone.
I jumped into a new direction with both feet and had no idea if it would even work. I started by incorporating technology in my class. I used a variety of blended methods and took off. I had what I would call the best year of my career. My administrators even commented on the change and supported me in my new direction.
Next, I decided to use the flipped classroom model to give my students more opportunities to use their Spanish. I have set up my Spanish 2 class and have took off running. We are 1 week in our first unit. Spanish 1 will join in once the preliminary chapter is complete. The flipped class gives me so many chances to help students on specific issues the moment they happen. I no longer need to spend large amounts of class time giving notes and lecturing.
As I started this journey in earnest this year, I again thought I was set. The flipped class was it. Then, I ran into a concept call standard based grades, thanks Garnet Hillman. This pushed me out of yet another box I thought I set for myself. I realized this even more today while looking at student work.
Some new questions came to me, "What do students benefit from receiving a zero? Why should I let students settle for doing sub par work? Why not let students make up work and give them not just partial, but FULL credit? Isn't the goal of learning a foreign language, to communicate with others?"
So, I was forced to reassess my beliefs. I am not going to let my students settle and do sub par work or just not do their work. Students will redo all parts that are no up to standard. Students who do not do their work, will come to my class during homeroom and work on the work they did not do. Not doing the assignment or doing poorly and moving on, is no longer an option. They will redo things until they are acquire the skills.
I no longer feel that I have to have a set philosophy. My philosophy should be ever changing. Once a teacher feels their's is set, then that is when stagnation sets in. Teachers need other in their lives that will push them in their beliefs.
I have grown so much as an educator. I am no longer satisfied. I want to improve every day and find something new that will make me a better teacher and my class a better and more exciting place to be.
Here's to keeping philosophies evolving!
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